Al-Qur'an Sebagai Imam (AQSI)

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Disaster Relief: Pakistan Floods 2011


Asalaam Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatahu ,

Since August 18th, 2011, continuous heavy rains have flooded several districts of Southern Pakistan. Millions of people have been affected and thousands of mud homes have been destroyed. They need your help.

Hidaya Foundation’s ( team arrived on August 21st, 2011 in the deep rural areas of Badin and began registering families that have been devastated by the floods. Hidaya’s team began distributing food rations to 1,365 families in 52 villages. Food packages contained 10-20 kg rice, 5 kg daal (lentil), 5 kg banaspati ghee, 500 gm of tea, 1 kg dates, 6 cakes of bathing soap and 6 cakes of detergent soap.

Food will be scarce for the next few months.  Because of this, Hidaya will continue to distribute food to over 30,000 families which will cost approximately $1 Million US Dollars.
For the long-term, all of Hidaya’s projects will be initiated in these flood affected areas.  For a list of all of Hidaya Foundation’s projects, please visit the following link:

Pakistan Flood information link.

To view a video of Hidaya’s work for this relief  effort, please visit:

To read more of the latest updates for this relief effort, please visit:

Donation link.

Jazaak Allah Khairun in advance for helping the relief effort.  May Allah (SWT) reward you abundantly in this world and the hereafter. Please refer family and friends, so that they may participate in this noble cause. 

Quran Explorer Team
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Kissimmee, FL 34741

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