Al-Qur'an Sebagai Imam (AQSI)

Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

A Practical Guide for Calculating Zakat & Zakat Videos

Quran Explorer

Asalaam Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatahu ,

Quran Explorer Team is working with Hidaya Foundation on educating muslims about Zakat.  Please click on the links below and become more familiar with the concepts of Zakat.  

To View Hidaya's Latest Videos Answering Questions about Zakat in Detail, Click Here

Worldwide, economic conditions are deteriorating more and more each year, with things getting especially bad in the past five or so years.  The poor are suffering more than ever, due to inflation. Salaries are not going up, but costs of living have doubled and quadrupled for some commodities.  Millions more are losing their jobs due to unstable economies and business environments.  Given this worldwide increase in poverty, and the fact that the majority of Muslims today don't properly know how to calculate Zakat (as per our survey), Hidaya Foundation ( has been focusing for the past 5 years on creating material that will help Muslims understand the importance of giving Zakat and how to properly calculate it. Hidaya is consistently consulting with scholars to come up with these materials in order to make it easy for Muslims to fulfill this religious obligation and fulfill the rights of the poor.

To see Hidaya's latest document "A Practical Guide for Calculating Zakat" please visit:

To see Hidaya's latest mailer "An Educational Guide to Zakat" please visit:

For more detailed information about Zakat please visit:

Donate Zakat Online using electronic check or credit card kindly visit:

Donate Zakat By Mail: To donate by check payable to ‘Hidaya Foundation’, mail check to:
Hidaya Foundation, P.O. Box 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056

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Quran Explorer Team
10057 Honey Tree Ct
Orlando, FL 32836


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