Al-Qur'an Sebagai Imam (AQSI)

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Message from the Board of Directors

Quran Explorer

Asalaam Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatahu ,

The Quran Explorer board of directors would like to thank those that have supported both Quran Explorer and the Orlando Jama Masjid Expansion project in this blessed month of Ramadhan.  

We would also like to remind those that were not able to donate for the Masjid Expansion that Orlando is the home town of Quran explorer and we are actively involved in the expansion of our Masjid near Disney World.  The cost of the project is around 5-7 million dollars.  We hope that each person that receives this email will be able to donate a minimum of $10 and forward this information to 10 of their friends and family members.  We pray to Allah(swt) that one day you will visit Orlando and pray in the Masjid you help to build...Ameen.  You can go online to and give donation via pay pal or credit card.  You can also review the project on the website.  If you would like to send us your donations by checks, follow the instructions below. 

For Jama Masjid Expansion:

Make checks payable to:  Islamic Center of Orlando

Address:                          10057 Honey Tree Ct

                                       Orlando, FL 32836

Please note the Jama Masjid donations are tax deductible.

For Quran Explorer:

Make checks payable to:  Noble Education Institute

Address:                          10057 Honey Tree Ct

                                       Orlando, FL 32836

Please note that Noble Education Institute is not a 501(c) (3), so your donations are not tax deductible.  Also, note that you cannot send your Zakat for these projects.  

A special request to make Duaa in this blessed month for Quran Explorer board members, their families, and all those who supported this project. 

Thank you for your continued support, May Allah reward you abundantly in this world and the hereafter. Please continue to use and refer family and friends, so that they may benefit from it.  

Jazak Allah Khirun,


Quran Explorer Board of Directors
10057 Honey Tree Ct.
Orlando, FL 32836


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